Hi! My name is Lisa Becker. I'm and based in Ghent, Belgium.
In my free time I love playing the cello,
taking care of my house plants, exploring nature, scuba diving
or meditating. Please
hit me up if you want to meet for a cup of tea, share book recommendations
or go on an adventure together. Oh, and I'm a certified yoga teacher
and give classes to my colleagues at ML6.
I've been employed at ML6 as a Machine Learning Engineer
since June 2021. There I accelerate businesses by designing
and developing end-to-end solutions for our clients.
Example project:
Reimplementation of Google Cloud Natural Language API:
Decrease monthly usage cost from €450.000 (Google’s tool) to
€30.000 (my implementation) by combining multiple open source
tools and optimising the extraction of focus words for the
client’s needs on GCP.